GHOST TEMPORAL RESEARCH - Fancy retro futurist experiments with classic Fuzz circuits.



ONE BRAIN - Custom Warmjet V with 2 external bias controls.

BRIAN - Full WEM PROJECT V with P5 Edge tone switch and smoothing filters.

FUTURA - Tone Bender MK1, Vintage style Phenolic and Point to Point construction, Level/Attack controls.

2065 - Tone Bender MK1, Tagboard construction.

HARMONIC GENERATOR - Burns Buzzaround/Dizzy Tone, tagboard construction.

PEPBOX - Clone of WEM's Silicon transistor version of the Rush Pep Box on large pitch veroboard. Can be stock or with a simple output capacitor tone control.

OUTSIDE CONTEXT PROBLEM - Big Muff and variants, Tone control substitution, vero board construction.

Upcoming for 2025 - P********



WOLF FLOW - Tone Bender MK3/MK4 and variants such as Dizzy Tone and Buzzaround.

ENO - Custom Warmjet V with 2 external bias controls.

ANOTHER GREEN FUZZ - Custom Warmjet V with 2 external bias controls.


Price depends on the exact details of a particular build, approx £150-£300, please Email - info @ if you have a query.

Loads more photos on my Instagram page.